Thursday, March 25, 2010

Musing's what I do best

Whilst watching a wonderful webisode of "Weeds" (wooo, those W's be the end of me), I began thinking about certain singers who should be actresses. I only have two in mind at the moment, but I strongly feel that these two could find themselves solidly employed if they took up acting.

1. Alanis Morissette, "Dogma", "Weeds" Season 5. I'll admit that I, like countless other young angsty souls in the mid-90's, fell under the spell that was "Jagged Little Pill". I will also admit heartily enjoying tracks off of her later offerings "Under Rug Swept" and "So-Called Chaos". But as much as I appreciate her music, it is, at least for this blogger, her acting that really steals the show, so to speak. Admittedly, she has all of one line ("Meep!) in "Dogma", but it seemed to me even then that she wasn't just phoning in her performance and allowing her celebrity status to define the role (though to me, it's slightly genius to have a women who sang about blow-jobs in movie theaters portray God). In "Weeds", there is definitely evidence of a woman who knows she is not just there for her "Hey! I know her!" appeal. Her performance is understated, to be sure, but that's exactly why it's so special. It seems to me that most of the time, when a guest star is on camera, they fill the screen with their presence, even though the show is, literally, not about them. I don't know if I would go so far as to suggest that Ms. Morissette could carry a movie or show all by her lonesome, but as part of an ensemble cast, she would be stellar.

2. Courtney Love, "200 Cigarettes", "Man on the Moon". Once again, I have to admit an appreciation for one album to which Ms. Love contributed: "Celebrity Skin" by Hole. Shut up, haters. I was in 7th grade, and that album, along with Garbage's "Version 2.0", got me through the cess-pool that is middle school. Also, I still love the song "Malibu" off that CD. So again, shut it. Anyway, "200 Cigarettes" is an odd movie, but the acting's solid all around, and Courtney's role as Lucy is great. Pretty sure Courtney Love is certifiable in real life, but she manages to tone it down for this role, letting just enough of her couldn't-care-less attitude shine through to give the character, who might have come off as desperate, a little bit of edge. In "Man on the Moon", she plays Andy Kaufman's love interest, Lynne. I love her in this film. She's very real and lacking in any traces of celebrity pompousness. Love. It.

There have to be other examples of singers who really should consider career moves. I can think of tons who've tried and failed, but I refuse to dip my toes into waters where so many others have swum. What could I possibly say about "Glitter" that a million plus people have not said already? Nothing, peeps. Nothing. Plus, thinking of those singers who need to try acting more is a little more difficult. If anyone actually read this, I would expect my comment section to be flooded with examples of people I've missed, as well as the usual "You're so right!"/"You're dead wrong!" comments.

Super Happy Fun Time! Today I've decided to go with waking up to quiet thunderstorms. It's only happened a couple of times to me, but it is amazing. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying the soft sound of rain hitting pavement in the morning, but when combined with a quiet rumbling of thunder, it's (dare I say it? Yes.) magical. Maybe it's just me, but there are just some mornings when nothing but a nearly pitch-black sky, covered in rain-heavy clouds, will do. Those will never be days when I get a ton of stuff done, but there's something to be said for lazy days. See my last post about passive aggressiveness. Maybe "calling in well" is really the key to saving humanity? But I digress. Super Happy Fun Time... COMPLETE!


  1. Courtney is also great in 'The People vs. Larry Flynt', but as far as music goes (and this is another example of our generational gap) I will always go back to 'Live through This'. I am a grunge girl at heart!

    I thought about the Singer/Actress thing too...although she's probably more Actress than Singer, I think you should consider Juliette Lewis. Watching her writhe around and sing PJ Harvey songs in 'Strange Days', you would never know her as the girl from 'The Other Sister'. Milla Jovovich also has a good voice and has put a record or two out.

  2. Ah-ha! I knew I was missing people. I have not had the pleasure of hearing either Juliette or Milla's music, but I do appreciate their efforts on the silver screen. Just a couple more things I need to check out sometime.

  3. I am WAY to old to have any worthwhile opinion about this. But I enjoyed reading it. I wish I had someone to add - I don't know anyone as artsy and edgy as Courtney Love . I will say that I like the girl in Glee - she can sing but not too sure about her acting. How is that for a non-sequiter?

  4. Also...I completely forgot about Zooey Deschenel.

  5. wait wait wait! milla has a CD?!? holy crap! *swoon*
